Friends of Rita Darrow
Summit County Council President, District 1 Representative

Dear Constituents of District 1,
With immense gratitude and a warm heart, I am thrilled to share that I have been re-elected as your representative on the Summit County Council. Winning this election and earning your trust once more is an honor beyond words. I am deeply thankful for the support, encouragement, and confidence you have shown in me.
Since 2021, it has been my privilege to serve as your District 1 representative, and in 2024, I had the honor of leading as President of the Summit County Council. Throughout this time, I have committed myself to advocating for the well-being of our community, ensuring that your voices are not only heard but represented in every decision made. This re-election is a testament to the shared values we uphold and the collective progress we strive for.
I am proud of what we have accomplished together, from infrastructure improvements and economic growth to bolstering public safety and enhancing access to essential services. Serving on various committees, including Health & Human Services, Public Safety, Long-Term Planning, and Personnel & Intergovernmental, has allowed me to champion the issues that matter most to you. My work on the Audit Committee and Criminal Justice Advisory Board has reinforced transparency and accountability, ensuring that we act responsibly with taxpayer resources.
None of these achievements would have been possible without your active involvement and the unwavering support of Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro and our dedicated Executive Team. I am inspired daily by the resilience and strength of our community and remain committed to serving as a hands-on representative who listens, advocates, and acts in your best interest.
Looking back on my years as President of Macedonia City Council and my time on the council from 2012 to 2015, I have always believed in building bridges—whether in infrastructure or through bipartisan collaboration. I bring that same spirit of unity, service, and dedication to my role in Summit County.
As we embark on this new chapter, I promise to continue working tirelessly to address the challenges we face and seize new opportunities that benefit all residents.
Thank you, District 1, for your trust and belief in me.
Together, we will continue to move Summit County forward.
With deep appreciation,
Rita Darrow
District 1 Representative
President, Summit County Council
It's time for a change.
I have already begun my work. I am already out there – talking to people, raising questions, and having conversations, but there is still much to do. I need YOUR support.
Every little bit helps – whether it be through a donation or through volunteering your time…NO effort is too small.
I hope you will support me. Start a conversation with your friends and family members. Raise pertinent questions. Ask people to join in making sure the health and safety of ALL Ohioans is addressed in November and beyond.
We can get there with a little bit of effort.
One voice can make a difference.
Rita Darrow
Summit County Council District 1 , Council President 2024
Meet Rita
Proven Leadership Delivering Results for Our Community
I'm Rita Darrow, your designated Council Woman for Summit County Council District 1, serving Summit County, Ohio as the newly elected Council President.
I am focused on the issues that are important to people and businesses.
You can always count on me to represent YOUR interests
and deliver results that address YOUR concerns.
Recently re-elected Nov. 2024 continuing a second term as District 1 Summit County Council Representative.
Elected January 2024 as President of Summit County Council, District 1 former Vice President 2023.
I served on the Macedonia City Council from 2012-2015, acting as Council President in 2015. During my tenure, I learned to navigate government, build strong relationships based on trust and mutual respect, and get things done.
I am always willing to listen to the concerns and suggestions of the community and have proven my problem-solving ability through effective legislation. During my term as Councilwoman and now newly elected Council President, we addressed over 300 legislative items, with more than 90% being passed unanimously.
I am also the third Vice President of the Federated Women of Summit County, an organization dedicated to uniting Summit County Democratic women and empowering their participation at every level of the Democratic Party.
I was raised with the idea that serving my community was not only an obligation but a privilege. My family has been involved in public service for many years. Both of my parents were dedicated union members. My mom was one of the hardest working people I know, and I learned my work ethic from her.
I have lived in Summit county for over two decades, and have always been an active participant in my home city of Macedonia and the surrounding county. I’ve raised my children here—both graduated with high honors from Nordonia Hills High School before moving on to attend Bowling Green State University. My daughter graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice, while my son graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Management.
We are also very active members of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Macedonia. On many evenings, you can find me volunteering at events sponsored by our Parish.
Proven Leadership Delivering Results for Our Community

Summit County Council Vice President 2023-2024
The county council is passing 99-100% of all legislation with bipartisan support.
As President of Macedonia City Council, I was instrumental in launching many improvements to our City Government as well as the community as a whole.
The city was in debt and was wasting funds on budget items that didn't directly benefit our residents. During my time on the council, we altered the course of Macedonia’s fiscal policy and revamped spending trends to achieve more positive results.
With my leadership, Macedonia realized some notable accomplishments:
The city’s previous debts were reconciled and Macedonia went from deficit spending to a 10% annual surplus, all while LOWERING tax rates by ¼%.
More than 200 Million in State and Federal funding was obtained to introduce a variety of improvements, including the extension of major interstate roads and the expansion of playground equipment in our parks.
A new focus on economic development resulted in hundreds of new jobs, the retention of several large manufacturers considering relocation and increased housing, retail development and assisted living facilities.
Police and Fire Rescue staffing levels were restored to pre-2008 levels and a program was implemented to upgrade police and fire vehicles and equipment.
City roads were evaluated and a budget was initiated to repair a decade of decay.
City employees received a pay increase after a 3-year freeze.
Count on me to tirelessly work for our Residents and Community!
Reproductive Rights:
I believe EVERY woman has the right to make decisions about her own body. The government has no business making decisions that affect a woman’s health. I will fight to reverse those excessively harsh “trigger” laws put in place for Ohio as soon as the Federal Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
Gun Safety and Regulation:
I am a strong advocate for gun safety and violence prevention. As a member of a family of gun owners, I do not believe in taking guns away from law-abiding citizens who can pass common-sense gun safety and background checks.
I believe schools should be provided with a professionally-trained safety force for the safety of our children.
I trust educational administrators and educators to do what is necessary to provide our youth a well-rounded education without excessive government oversight. I believe every child should have access to high-quality education from Kindergarten through High school and beyond, if they choose.
I will vote against efforts to divert public school funding to private schools.
Workers’ rights
Coming from a family of union members, I believe in a workers’ rights to unionize, however, union members should be expected to pay dues. Living wages can help reduce poverty AND the tax burden on society. Additionally, low-wage workers need social programs to be able to afford housing, food, healthcare, etc.
Voting rights
Voting is a fundamental right. I will challenge ANY attempts to disenfranchise select groups from voting.
Same-sex marriage
A family is a family, even if it doesn’t look like your family.
The government has NO right to define what a family should look like.
Board of Elections Independence
I will battle all attempts to subvert the will of the people.
We as a society have an obligation to those who have served to protect our democracy. I believe every veteran deserves a program for a successful re-entry back home after fighting for our country. I would like to be a part of implementing a program that would provide job opportunities, free healthcare, and support for those battling with PTSD and substance abuse.
Climate Change
I agree with the experts and the science. Ohio should put a higher priority on reducing its dependence on oil and coal.
There should also be clean air legislation put in place.
Health Care
The United States is the only western country without universal health care.
I want to explore how other countries provide healthcare for all and find a solution that would work for our citizens. The government should control outrageous pharmaceutical pricing.
I am honored to receive the following endorsements.
Thank you for your trust.
Stay Connected
My campaign is grass roots, getting to know people one at a time and in small groups — NO special interests. Getting active in a grassroots campaign is very rewarding!
Reach out! Get to know me!
By supporting each other, we can all make a difference in our community.
There are many ways to help out, from going door-to-door to hosting a meet & greet with friends and neighbors. I always need help at the polls on election day and at fundraisers—both are fun! I especially need help spreading the word online. If you would like to meet me or have a willingness to help out, just fill out the form below. I'm happy to drop by, meet you, and answer any questions you might have face-to-face. Also, if you would like to donate to my campaign, you can do so right here, just click on the donate button.

We need YOU! There are many ways to help, and plenty of things to do. Give us an idea of your interests and the amount of time you can volunteer and we'll work with your schedule!

Direct contact is the best way for people to get to know me. By hosting a meet & greet gathering at your home, I can hear your concerns and you can hear about my ideas for our future.